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Sphatic Shree Yantra 1141 Gram : 100% Pure Authentic Sphatic Shri Yantra


Shree Yantra : 100% Pure Authentic Brass Shri Yantra

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Sphatic Shree Yantra 1409 Gram : 100% Pure Authentic Sphatic Shri Yantra


The Shree Yantra, revered as one of the most auspicious and powerful Yantras, holds the key to unlocking material and spiritual wealth. In Sanskrit, “Shree” signifies wealth, and “Yantra” translates to “Instrument,” making it the Instrument for Wealth. Possessed by Brahma, the creator of the Universe, and praised by Vishnu, the lord of the Earth, the Shree Yantra is deeply rooted in ancient wisdom.

SKU: ASP-SSY-19 Category:


Shree Yantra stands as one of the most auspicious, significant, and potent Yantras, offering maximum benefits and proving advantageous for virtually everyone. Serving as the instrument for wealth, the Shree Yantra holds the key to attaining both material and spiritual prosperity. Its influence taps into inner cosmic power and mental strength, granting the ability to fulfill worldly desires and wishes.

The term “Shree Yantra” combines “Shree,” meaning wealth, with “Yantra,” signifying instrument. This sacred geometric symbol possesses an inexplicable power that can transform lives positively. It serves as the solution to problems and negativity, ushering affluence, peace, and harmony into the lives of those who embrace it.

The Sri Yantra, with its intricate sacred geometry, aids in dispelling negative energies that may shroud our lives, acting as a guiding light towards peace, prosperity, and harmony. It has the capacity to align the cosmic forces in our favor, bringing order to our existence.

Symbolically representing all Gods and Goddesses, the Shree Yantra was once possessed by Brahma, the creator of the Universe, and praised by Vishnu, the lord of the Earth. Its deep connection with the Ancient Art of Vaastu is underscored in the ‘Vaastu Shastra,’ emphasizing the necessity of incorporating the Shree Yantra in constructions based on Vaastu principles.

The Vedas elucidate the Shree Yantra as a scientific, cosmic, and planetary energy zone, highlighting its significance in the harmonious alignment of cosmic forces for the well-being of individuals and their surroundings.

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